You want to be a GREAT Leader...

to serve your team better, inspire them more, delegate to empower, have the hard conversations, deliver results, and more.

The journey to becoming a great leader is not easy but one that is worth the investment in effort, time, and money.


Leadership is a responsibility and when you do it right, you transform yourself, you take those you lead places they never thought they could go, and you deliver results for the organization.

This Leadership Coaching Series is designed to help you in that journey. You will

  1. Identify, through assessments (DISC & EIQ), your leadership and communication styles, reflect on your values, and set goals.
  2. Develop your leadership philosophy & statement that will allow you to work effectively with others.
  3. Understand your leadership mindset and make necessary shifts to succeed in leading oneself and others.
  4. Develop an action plan to empower your team.
  5. Design how to lead from a whole self authentically and create a balanced approach to leading your team.

Leadership Coaching Series Description

This coaching program is designed to combine leadership assessments, tools, and one-on-one coaching sessions to give you the knowledge and the tools to help you to transform the way you lead yourself, your team, and your unit/organization. The assessments and tools will provide you with the knowledge, while the one-on-one coaching sessions will provide you with an opportunity to set your own vision, goals, and plan to achieve them. Here is what is included in this package.

Eight Sessions | 8 Hours of One-One Coaching

You will receive one-one coaching weekly (60 minutes each), for two months to help you with your unique leadership vision, goals, and challenges. You will get free access to leadership style, communication style, and Emotional Intelligence assessments. You will also receive a workbook with questions and reflection exercises to help you strategize, plan, and execute.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs. If you have any other question not listed here, feel free to email us at [email protected].

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing the coaching program, you'll receive a link to schedule your appointment. Once you schedule the sessions, you will receive confirmation email with the link to join the meeting. All coaching sessions are conducted via zoom.

Can I get reimbursed by my organization?

You will receive an invoice for the purchase once you enroll. You can forward the invoice directly to your team for reimbursement. If you need more information or custom information about our company, feel free to email us at [email protected].

Will I get a Certificate of Completion?

Once you complete the coaching program, we will email you a digital certificate of completion that proves you have completed the program. Your name, coaching program details, and N-BAC's logo will be included in the certificate. Our digital certificate can easily be added on your LinkedIn profile certificates section.

What's the refund policy?

Refund is on a case by case basis. If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.